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20250120 - American Dream = Paradigm Shift

20250120 - American Dream = Paradigm Shift

Regular price €25,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €25,00 EUR
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text="American Dream=PAradigm Shift"
visual=" A twist on the traditional 'American Dream', featuring flying cars, high-tech skyscrapers, humans and AI characters coexisting in an utopian futuristic cityscape."
topic="Sociological and Technological Shifts"

Users ponder wide-ranging societal changes, both real and potential, emphasising on the future prospects of technology and social structure. Topics include reinterpretations of the 'American dream', discussions on meritocratic principles, and musings of a complete paradigm shift in future civilizations. These tweets suggest an ongoing discourse on the influence of technology on societal evolution and the impact of such changes on human life and cultural identity.
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